Saman Yasin, a Kurdish Rapper, Sentenced to Death by the Islamic Republic
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Saman Yasin, a Kurdish Rapper, Sentenced to Death by the Islamic Republic

Saman Yasin, a 27-year-old Kurdish rapper, was violently arrested at his home by the regime’s security forces in early October, just a short few weeks after protests broke out to mourn the death of Mahsa Amini. Yasin, a well-known rapper in Kermanshah, publicly objected to the regime’s brutal treatment of its own people and wrote messages in support of protesters. He has been a vocal artist concerned with social issues and used his music to rap about inequality, oppression, and unemployment.

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Izeh in Blood
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Izeh in Blood

Izeh, a city in the southwest province of Khuzestan, was brutally suppressed by the regime forces on the second day of the three-day nationwide protests which left 9 civilians dead, including two minors.

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Kian Pirfalak, a 9-Year Old Boy, Was Shot Dead in Izeh
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Kian Pirfalak, a 9-Year Old Boy, Was Shot Dead in Izeh

Izeh, a city in the southwest province of Khuzestan, endured a bloody evening on the second day of the three-day nationwide protests which left 9 civilians dead*, including two minors. Kian Pirfalak, a 10-year-old boy, has been named as one of the minors. On November 16, Kian was in a car with his family when a group of security forces opened fire on the car, injuring his dad and murdering the son.

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Imprisoned Iranian Activist Hossein Ronaghi’s Life is in Danger
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Imprisoned Iranian Activist Hossein Ronaghi’s Life is in Danger

Hossein Ronaghi, jailed Iranian activist, was rushed to the hospital earlier today, Sunday, November 13, as his kidneys have developed hydronephrosis after being on a hunger strike for 51 days. Hossein already suffers from kidney damage and has previously lost his left kidney.

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Sistan & Baluchestan: No Longer an Invisible Province
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Sistan & Baluchestan: No Longer an Invisible Province

On November 11th, during the Friday prayers, Abdolhamid Esmaeel-Zehi, a prominent Sunni leader who is regarded as a "spiritual leader for Iran’s Sunni Muslim population", condemned the regime's brutal suppression of protesters and critics, and raised concerns about the consequences of neglecting people’s legitimate complaints and blaming foreign countries for the uprising.

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Ekbatan: Home to Collective Resistance
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Ekbatan: Home to Collective Resistance

On October 31, videos and messages started to come out from Ekbatan that showed the regime forces are conducting systematic attacks on the Ekbatan complex by using sound bombs, shooting tear gas through the windows, and attacking private properties. On November 1, the attacks escalated to a new level where a group of the basiji militia raided the complex and used a loudspeaker to threaten & belittle the residents. In one jarring moment, one security member is heard to say "we will give our blood, we swear by God that if we have to we will even behead our own wives and children.” A day after these attacks, Ekbatan residents still defied all these terrors and continued with their nightly protest and chants through windows.

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Mahabad: Tail of a Revolutionary City
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Mahabad: Tail of a Revolutionary City

Mahabad, a city in the West Azerbaijan Province of Iran, has been a constant scene of protests. The protests intensified on October 27th, a day after Mahsa Amini’s 40th day of remembrance (i.e. Chehelom), where residents took to the streets and took control over some governmental buildings to object to the unjust killing of a young man named Ismali Mowludi who was shot dead during Mahsa Amini’s Chehelom ceremony.

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Marivan’s Rise Up to Mourn the Death of Nasrin Ghaderi, the Activist & Philosophy Student
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Marivan’s Rise Up to Mourn the Death of Nasrin Ghaderi, the Activist & Philosophy Student

Nasrin Ghaderi, a 35-year-old woman from Marivan, is another recent victim of the Islamic regime. She was announced dead on November 4th. According to multiple news outlets including Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Nasrin passed away as a result of severe blows to her head at the hands of the regime forces. She was buried in secret, similar to most of the victims of this revolution, as Iranian authorities fear that funerals and memorials could become a scene of protests.

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16 Killed, Dozens Injured in Khash
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16 Killed, Dozens Injured in Khash

The 50th day of the Iranian's nationwide uprising was Friday November 4th. Protests were held in Zahedan, Khash, Saravan, Soran, Rask, and Iranshahr, among other cities. After Friday prayer, protesters chanted "Death to Khamenei" and "Death to Basiji" and clashed with suppressive forces.

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Mourning as an Act of Defiance
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Mourning as an Act of Defiance

The 40th day of mourning has become a time for Iranians to grieve collectively and to bring their rage & sorrow to the streets. October 3rd marked the 40th day and 7th of remembrance (known as Chehelom) for many recent victims around the country. We witnessed people showing up in numbers in Aarak, Isfahan, Amol, Karaj, and Qazvin - just to name a few. The constant intimidation, suppression, and terror have had a reversed effect on people as every attack has been engaging a larger population. Recent videos show people taking over main roads, and bridges, and in some cases having direct altercations with the regime forces. There is footage of police using live ammunition & targeting Iranians from above using drones.

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Seven Protesters Sentenced to Death
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Seven Protesters Sentenced to Death

Iran has initiated trials for 7 protesters who were arrested by IRGC during the recent uprising in Iran. They all have been convicted without a lawyer and are sentenced to death. Be their voice.

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Rapper and Activist Toomaj Kidnapped by the Islamic Republic
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Rapper and Activist Toomaj Kidnapped by the Islamic Republic

Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian rapper and activist was arrested on October 30th by security forces the day after his interview with @cbcnews was aired. He has been openly criticizing the regime in his songs and supporting the protests in Iran through his social media platform. Toomaj’s life is in danger.

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Islamic Republic Accused Two Journalists Reporting on Mahsa Amini’s Death of Spying
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Islamic Republic Accused Two Journalists Reporting on Mahsa Amini’s Death of Spying

Journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi who were arrested for reporting on the hospitalization and death of Mahsa Amini, are now accused of being foreign agents in a joint statement released by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and the intelligence agency of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. This is a direct attempt on suppressing the media and a threat to all the other journalists who are doing their job. Alleged US spies in Iran have been facing harsh penalties such as decades of jail time and even a death sentence.

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A 32-Year-Old Mother Killed on the Rooftop of Her House
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A 32-Year-Old Mother Killed on the Rooftop of Her House

Fereshte Ahmadi was killed on October 30th on the rooftop of her own house, in Hamzeh Abad, Mahabadm, in the Kurdistan’s province, while holding her two children. A day later, Fereshte’s brother confirmed she was shot and killed by security forces that were suppressing a protest nearby. The Islamic Regime previously had falsely claimed that she was killed by a gunshot fired from inside the house.

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The Second Massacre in Zahedan in a Month
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The Second Massacre in Zahedan in a Month

On Friday, October 28th, the security forces committed the second massacre in Zahedan in the past month. 6 people including a 12-year-old boy have been reported killed.

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Uproar in Tehran as Security forces Raid an all Girls Technical High School
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Uproar in Tehran as Security forces Raid an all Girls Technical High School

Sadr all girls technical high school was a scene of chaos as reportedly, a supervisor forces students to be inspected physically for cameras or cellphones. While students refrain from this order, they were beaten and abused. Security forces were informed and raided the school, one student is reportedly not in a stable state and was taken to the hospital. The news of this raid has shocked the parents and neighbors who rushed to the scene to support the students. The altercation is still going on. We will update this story with more info as they become available

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Hossein Ronaghi in Custody
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Hossein Ronaghi in Custody

Hossein Ronaghi is an Iranian blogger and civil rights activist. He was most recently arrested in September 2022 after protests began in Iran. Hossein is being held and tortured in Evin prison, where many political prisoners (journalists, activists, etc.) are incarcerated. Prison guards have dislocated one of Hossein's fingers and broken both his legs while putting him in custody. He is reportedly vomiting blood and being denied the medical treatment he desperately needs. Please be his voice✊🏾

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Elnaz Rekabi, Iranian Climber Competed without Hijab, Arrested, to be Jailed
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Elnaz Rekabi, Iranian Climber Competed without Hijab, Arrested, to be Jailed

Iranian climber who without the mandatory hijab participated in the Combined Finals at the IFSC Asia Continental Championship in Seoul on October 16th is to be arrested upon entry, in Tehran. Her competition was widely shared on social media. Reportedly she was placed in isolation in the Iranian embassy in Seoul yesterday, making it impossible for anyone to contact her. Other reports indicate his brother was also detained by the security forces earlier yesterday in an effort to put Rekabi under pressure.

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Asra Panahi, 15, Killed by the Security Forces at her School in Ardabil
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Asra Panahi, 15, Killed by the Security Forces at her School in Ardabil

Asra Panahi, a 15-year-old girl, was beaten to death in Shahed High School by the Islamic Regime security forces after she refused to participate in a pro-regime demonstration on October 12th in Ardebil. Ardebil is a city in northwestern Iran. The dominant majority of its population is of Azeri ethnicity. A large number of the Azeri population in cities like Ardebil, Urumia and Tabriz has been protesting the death of #MahsaAmini in the past 4 weeks.

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