Imprisoned Iranian Activist Hossein Ronaghi’s Life is in Danger

#HosseinRonaghi #حسین_رونقی #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022

Hossein Ronaghi, jailed Iranian activist, was rushed to the hospital earlier today, Sunday, November 13, as his kidneys have developed hydronephrosis after being on a hunger strike for 51 days. Hossein already suffers from kidney damage and has previously lost his left kidney.

Hossein was most recently arrested in September 2022 after protests began in Iran. Hassan Ronaghi, Hossein’s brother, has been raising concerns about his critical health condition. Prison guards broke both of Hossein’s legs while putting him in custody. He also was reported at risk of cardiac arrest. Hossein had been denied the medical treatment he needed since his arrest.

Based on the latest updates, his health is in dire critical condition. Hossein has been putting his life in danger for over a decade to fight against the internet access limit in Iran. Be Hossein’s voice.

Other References:
Iran International: Renowned Iranian Dissident Faces Severe Danger In Prison
WSJ | Opinion: Western Media Aren’t Telling You the Truth About Iran | Hossein Ronaghi


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