Learn about latest news and visit Iran Human Rights at iranhumanrights.org for fact sheets, publications, and systematic documentation of human rights violations in Iran.

To spread & maintain the visibility of Iranians' fight for liberty in the midst of extreme violence & internet blackouts, please tap into the power of social media. (Re)share the news & call for action on your social media platforms OR directly send them to your trusted networks.

Sign Petition to:

Revoke Iran’s Membership to the CSW (United Nations Commission on the Status of Women)

Disqualify Iranian Regime from the World Cup

Contact & Ask:


To make a statement condemning the Iranian government’s actions.


To support a UN Investigative Mechanism for crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Republic
See how

US Members of Congress

To support a UN Investigative Mechanism for crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Republic

To NOT unfreeze the assets of the government

To NOT move forward with the nuclear deal
See how

There are weekly protests organized worldwide to support the revolution in Iran. Find your local organizer(s) and take part. Your presence matters.

List of protests is other cities

*Wherever you have studied, are studying, or working