Iranian Teachers go on Strike by Canceling Classes & Sharing Pictures of Themselves Holding Signs
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Iranian Teachers go on Strike by Canceling Classes & Sharing Pictures of Themselves Holding Signs

The Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers' Trade (CCITTA) invited all K-12 teachers around the country to join a two-day strike to protest against the inhumane and violent treatment of students. On October 23rd & 24th, many teachers responded to this call by canceling classes & sharing pictures of themselves holding signs to show that they support students' rights to expression of their thoughts without fear of persecution, detention, and death.

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Uproar in Tehran as Security forces Raid an all Girls Technical High School
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Uproar in Tehran as Security forces Raid an all Girls Technical High School

Sadr all girls technical high school was a scene of chaos as reportedly, a supervisor forces students to be inspected physically for cameras or cellphones. While students refrain from this order, they were beaten and abused. Security forces were informed and raided the school, one student is reportedly not in a stable state and was taken to the hospital. The news of this raid has shocked the parents and neighbors who rushed to the scene to support the students. The altercation is still going on. We will update this story with more info as they become available

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Hossein Ronaghi in Custody
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Hossein Ronaghi in Custody

Hossein Ronaghi is an Iranian blogger and civil rights activist. He was most recently arrested in September 2022 after protests began in Iran. Hossein is being held and tortured in Evin prison, where many political prisoners (journalists, activists, etc.) are incarcerated. Prison guards have dislocated one of Hossein's fingers and broken both his legs while putting him in custody. He is reportedly vomiting blood and being denied the medical treatment he desperately needs. Please be his voice✊🏾

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Elnaz Rekabi, Iranian Climber Competed without Hijab, Arrested, to be Jailed
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Elnaz Rekabi, Iranian Climber Competed without Hijab, Arrested, to be Jailed

Iranian climber who without the mandatory hijab participated in the Combined Finals at the IFSC Asia Continental Championship in Seoul on October 16th is to be arrested upon entry, in Tehran. Her competition was widely shared on social media. Reportedly she was placed in isolation in the Iranian embassy in Seoul yesterday, making it impossible for anyone to contact her. Other reports indicate his brother was also detained by the security forces earlier yesterday in an effort to put Rekabi under pressure.

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Evin Prison on Fire
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Evin Prison on Fire

on Saturday, October 15th, a fire engulfed some of the building the night before, leading to the deaths of at least 8 prisoners and injuring a further 61. Evin prison currently holds captive many activists, artists, journalists, writers, and revolutionaries old and new. The lives of hundreds of prisoners are in danger. Be The Voice and spread the word.

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Asra Panahi, 15, Killed by the Security Forces at her School in Ardabil
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Asra Panahi, 15, Killed by the Security Forces at her School in Ardabil

Asra Panahi, a 15-year-old girl, was beaten to death in Shahed High School by the Islamic Regime security forces after she refused to participate in a pro-regime demonstration on October 12th in Ardebil. Ardebil is a city in northwestern Iran. The dominant majority of its population is of Azeri ethnicity. A large number of the Azeri population in cities like Ardebil, Urumia and Tabriz has been protesting the death of #MahsaAmini in the past 4 weeks.

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Sanandaj, a Kurdish city in the western part of Iran, has been a battlefield since Saturday, October 8th. The Islamic Regime forces have been opening fire on protesters. Several death and numerous injuries among protestors are reported. The demonstration started on September 20th over the death of #MahsaAmini.

On Friday, September 30th, the security forces committed a similar massacre in Zahedan. There were at least 82 people killed and over 300 injured. The #Zahedan slaughter was followed by a complete internet shutdown and currently, this is the case in #Sanandaj. Be The Voice of the people of Iran.

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Gen Z Uprise
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Gen Z Uprise

Following attacking universities like Sharif and Tabriz University, elementary and high school students have begun their strike by refusing attending classes and taking off their head cover, bringing down and burning Islamic leaders’ portraits in their classes, and chanting “death to dictators.”

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Tabriz University, Under Attack
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Tabriz University, Under Attack

According to social media and witness reports coming from Tabriz, on October 1st, security forces raided the dormitories of Tabriz University and arrested more than 500 students. Regular police has no right to raid a university, so it is believed IRGC forces and Basij militia have been involved. More than 3000 students were trapped in the university by late midnight. These forces had surrounded all over the main doors and didn't let anyone leave, shooting and beating up more than 50 students many of whom are women. Witnesses have reported that dozens of ambulances were leaving the Tabriz University campus that night.

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Sharif University, Under Attack
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Sharif University, Under Attack

On October 1st, one day after a global rally of Iranians in diaspora in support of their fellow protesters in Iran in 160 cities around the world, the IRGC surrounded the most prestigious STEM university in Iran and violently cracked down on the student protesters using guns, paintball guns, and batons.
Many students were arrested during the police riot. In response to the attack, many citizens rushed to the university to protect the students and show support.

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A Sixteen Year Old Got Killed while Protesting for Freedom
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A Sixteen Year Old Got Killed while Protesting for Freedom

Sarina Esmaeilzadeh was a sixteen-year-old girl who lived in Karaj. She and a couple of her ESL classmates attended a demonstration on September 23rd protesting the death of Mahsa Jina Amini. Sarina was assaulted by the security forces during the protest and was repeatedly hit by clubs to her head causing her skull to break and to bleed. She then was dragged to a nearby location by her friends, but shortly after passed away as a result of severe head trauma.

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Zahedan Police Mass Shooting
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Zahedan Police Mass Shooting

On Friday, September 30th, security forces violently cracked down on the protestors in Zahedan, who mostly just left the Mosque after the Friday prayers. Zahedan is a mainly Sunni city in southeastern Iran. More than 60 civilians were shot to death and around 300 people sustained wounds by bullets fired by ‎the Islamic republic’s security forces in ‎#Zahedan, ‎#Balochistan

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