Sixteen Year Old Nika Shakarami Went Missing While Protesting, Her Body Given to Her Family Ten Days Later

#NikaShakarami #نیکا_شاکرمی #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022

Nika Shakarami was a sixteen-year-old girl living in Tehran with her aunt. She went missing after attending the demonstrations near Keshavarz boulevard. It was not until 10 days after that her family finally was called by the security forces to identify her body.

When her family moved her body to the morgue to be buried, security forces stole her body and buried her in a cemetery in a village miles away from where it was intended, in order to keep the crowd away.

The security forces then pressured her aunt and mother to confess in front of the state television that Nika was not detained and killed, but she had committed suicide by jumping from a tall building.

CNN has done a detailed investigative report using independent video sources, that has shed light on how she was detained by the security forces before she was declared dead.




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